Who we are
Quality is our specialty. Whether it's fresh, frozen, refrigerated or dry, we have been the trusted distributor for quality foods in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean since 1970. Our personalized and high level of service distinguishes us from the rest and will guarantee products are available in top retailers, hotels, restaurants and foodservice establishments.
What we offer
We select only the best. Our product range is always growing and includes meats, dairy, deli, bakery and grocery.
Our knowledgeable sales force, hard working warehouse personnel and dedicated logistics and central office employees are the perfect team.
We work with retailers of all sizes, from club stores to supermarkets and specialty stores.
Since our beginnings we have been trusted by restaurants and foodservice establishments to deliver consistent, top quality products straight to their doors. Our sales team will provide guidance for the selection of the best products.
For distribution inquiries, questions about any of our brands or products, partnerships, or help with your order, don't hesitate to contact us
Your Premier Source of Quality Foods
in the Caribbean